Feeling Free to Express Yourself


Have you ever felt it was challenging to feel truly free to create and express yourself?

Maybe you hesitate to spend time doing the things that you enjoy — painting, singing, drawing, writing, playing the guitar, taking photos — worried that you should be doing something more practical, concerned what you make won't be good enough?

This can shut down the creative process before it’s even begun, or stop the flow just when it’s about to truly open up.

What’s the issue?

It’s possible you’ve picked up conditioning that says ‘to create for the sake of it is not enough’.

Instead of moving into the vulnerable experience of expressing ourselves, we search for an outcome that will make it seem worthwhile, safe.

We wait until we’re confident we’ll write the perfect song or the prize-winning novel instead of finding confidence in the process itself.

We get stuck chasing imaginary approval instead of surrendering to the unknown.

And once we realise that life itself is a creative act, it becomes very easy to see how this problem of chasing outside validation can extend way beyond making art.

We can shut down the creative process of making our lives, moment by moment.

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